Is your garage doing little more than just gathering dust right now? If so, you should think about taking on a garage remodel sometime soon.

Your garage might not look like much at the moment. But by doing a garage renovation, you can turn it into a more useful space for you and your family.

Before you start trying to tackle a garage conversion, though, you should learn about some of the latest garage design trends. It would be worth kicking around a few different ideas to ensure you’re able to make the most of your new garage.

Here are a few of the top trends you should keep in mind as you plan the perfect garage remodel.

Mechanic’s Garage

Do you want to use your garage for what it was originally intended for and park your car in it? Believe it or not, you’ll be bucking the trend by doing this.

In recent years, one survey after another has shown that a relatively small percentage of people with garages use them for their cars. Many people prefer to use them for storage instead.

If you’re someone who enjoys working on your cars yourself, you might want to consider creating a mechanic’s garage that will allow you to do just that. There are garage floor coatings you can put on your garage floor to protect it and organizational systems you can set up to hold all your auto repair tools and equipment.

You might be able to save yourself a nice chunk of change on car repairs when you create a mechanic’s garage. You might also gain a newfound appreciation for your vehicles when you play a part in working on them yourself.

DIY Workshop

The DIY craze swept across this country prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but you could argue that the pandemic heated things up even more and made Americans go crazy over all things DIY. These days, people are taking the DIY approach to just about everything by creating T-shirts, candles, jewelry, and so much more.

If you’re someone who enjoys DIY projects, you might want to set up your very own DIY workshop in your garage. It can include a desk, a chair, your DIY equipment and supplies, and so much more.

Just make sure you install good lighting in your garage so that you’re able to see the DIY projects you’re working on. Pick out the right concrete floor coating, too. A nice polyurea floor coating will look great and be easy to clean at the end of each of your DIY jobs.

Man Cave

Millions of American homes already have man caves in them. These man caves are typically situated in spare bedrooms, finished basements, and, you guessed it, garages.

If you’ve been looking into adding a man cave to your home, now might be the best time to do it. You can complete a garage remodel that will give you immediate access to the man cave you’ve always wanted.

In this case, you will need to do a little more work to make your man cave comfortable. You should think about insulating the walls, figuring out a way to heat and cool the space, etc.

You should also find out how you’re going to deal with the garage floor. Carpeting it will be out of the question in most cases, and putting down something like hardwood might not make much sense, either.

Instead, you might want to go ahead and put down a garage floor coating on your concrete flooring. It’ll spruce the place up while also making your man cave easier to clean than it would be otherwise.

Art Studio

If you love art but don’t love the idea of messing up the inside of your home while doing art projects, you should know a garage remodel can turn your garage into a great art studio. It’ll be a place away from the rest of your house where you can go to draw, paint, and sculpt without having to worry about the mess you’re making.

If you choose to go in this direction, you’ll want to create a specific space where you can keep all your art supplies safe. You’ll want to put up plenty of shelves on the walls where you can keep the art projects you’ve finished.

You’ll also want to apply the right polyurea floor coating to your garage floor to protect it and make it simple to clean at the end of your art projects. Taking on a garage remodel like this will enable you to explore your passion for art much further than you already have. And you can do it without constantly having to clean up after yourself.

Home Office

The total number of people working from home tripled between 2019 and 2021 due in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic. That number has since gone back down slightly, but there are still a lot of people who are continuing to work from home on either a part-time or full-time basis.

If you know you’re going to be working from home all the time, from here on out, it might be time to create a home office for yourself. Your garage could be the best place to put this home office.

You’ll need to be sure that you can heat and cool your garage accordingly if you plan to put a home office in it. You’ll also need to put up walls if you don’t have them already and paint them the right color to give your home office a homey look and feel.

It’ll be important to deal with your garage floor in the proper way, too. You can liven it up by having concrete floor resurfacing done and putting a nice concrete floor coating on it. It’ll make it a much better place to work every day.

Call Us to Get a Garage Remodel Off the Ground

People are using their garages for all kinds of things these days. You should give serious thought to what you would like to use your garage for and then start planning a garage remodel.

Garage Force can help you with a garage remodel by setting you up with a large selection of garage floor coatings. We can assist you in transforming your garage space and make it look like whatever you want from top to bottom.

Get in touch with us to hear more about the garage floor coatings we can provide.