Ever dreamed of having your own personal space to retreat to and relax? A place to crack open a few cold ones while watching sports in peace? The perfect setup for a gaming room or home bar? If so, you’re not alone. 

Forty percent of homeowners now have what’s often referred to as a “man cave” in their home, while a further 13 percent plan to add one soon. This kind of space fits the bill nicely for men in need of somewhere to chill out alone, hang out with their buddies, and fill with all the memorabilia they please. 

But creating the ultimate man cave means paying attention to all the small details. Here are some key man cave design tips to keep in mind!

1. Be Practical

Don’t get us wrong, decorating your man cave can be a lot of fun. But you’ll need to consider the practicalities of the space and how to convert it long before you start adorning the walls with old football jerseys and vintage guitars. 

Garages, for example, make excellent man caves as they usually offer more space and easier access for custom furniture options such as trophy display cabinets than guest bedrooms. But if you do plan to convert your garage, you’ll likely have to think about adding strong and resilient flooring as well as some kind of insulation and soundproofing. 

You should also be practical about the size of your man cave and how to make the best use of it. A small space crammed with oversized couches is unlikely to feel relaxing. Likewise, your dreams of having a pool table at home might have to wait if your man cave is a little tight on space. 

2. Stick to a Color Palette

For those of you whose homes are a blanket of beige, you might be tempted to go for something a little bolder in your man cave as a way of making your design mark. But before you decorate your personal space in red, yellow, and blue in honor of your team’s colors, it’s worth stepping back and reconsidering whether such clashing shades will suit the space and its many functions.

For example, primary colors might work well for a sports marathon but could look childish when you’re hosting a poker night and sipping on scotch. 

With this in mind, take some time to plan out how you want to use color in your final design. While there’s nothing wrong with incorporating one bright color option into a limited palette, combining it with subtle tones such as grays, browns, and creams can help make your man cave feel grown up and masculine without being garish. 

3. Don’t Forget the Details

Making whatever room or space you’re converting really feel like your man cave to get away from it all means considering and often changing every detail. 

From headache-inducing strip lighting in your garage to gaudy drapes in your guest bedroom, these kinds of leftover features need to go, and fast!

While some detail changes may only need a coat of paint or a quick swap, others can require more thought and planning. For example, if you’re hoping to plug in and tune out in your converted garage, you’ll need to check that you have enough electrical outlets for your drinks refrigerator, TV, games consoles, and anything else. 

4. Comfort Is Key

Also known as a mantuary, your man cave should be a place you feel comfortable in, whether you’re chilling alone or hanging out with the guys. As such, you’ll need to make sure you have enough seating for all of your buddies to come on over and kick back. Plus, it’s always a good idea to invest in a couple of reclining armchairs or a plush couch for ultimate solo relaxation, space permitting. 

For optimal ambiance, installing dimmer switches can help set the right tone when you’re enjoying a quiet movie night or playing cards. And, if you plan on dedicating some serious time to gaming in your man cave, a comfortable computer chair, gaming desk, and other accessories can make those X-box marathons a lot easier on your body. 

5. Make It Personal

A man cave offers a designated space for you to feel free to focus on your hobbies and get away from the world. But it’s also somewhere that offers you the freedom to design a space that represents your personality and speaks to your preferences. 

Women drive the majority of buying decisions in most households and often have the final say when it comes to decor. And, while you likely agree that your collections of baseball memorabilia or Star Wars posters aren’t really appropriate for the walls of a family home, a man cave offers a compromise that keeps everyone happy. 

With this in mind, don’t be afraid to let loose when it comes to decorating the walls or installing display furniture to show off your collections. Remember, this is your personal space so make sure it really feels personal to you. 

Design Tips for Creating the Perfect Man Cave at Home

There’s nothing like heading home after a hard day at work. But when you have a well-designed man cave to retreat to, you can look forward to a whole new sense of freedom and relaxation. 

While considering color palettes, flooring options, and electrical outlets can be tedious, this kind of meticulous planning will be worth it when you’re celebrating with your buddies or relaxing solo. 

Want more information about giving your man cave the best foundation possible? Feel free to get in touch or book an appointment with us at Garage Force for all your flooring needs.