The average American spends more than 90% of their time indoors these days. Whether they’re hanging out inside at home or sitting inside their office at work, people tend to be indoors way more often than not.

If you’re lucky enough to have a patio in your backyard, you should look to reverse this trend by spending as much time on it as you can. One way to motivate yourself to do this is by sprucing up your patio space with a patio renovation.

You can start by installing a patio floor coating. Garage Force can help you put a concrete patio floor coating in place to make your patio space more comfortable to hang out on than it was before.

Outside of making your patio more comfortable, a patio floor coating will also provide you with a long list of other benefits. Learn about a few of them below.

Improves Your Patio’s Appearance

If you currently have a concrete patio that doesn’t have a patio floor coating on it, it probably doesn’t look all that nice. It might be dull and gray and not very pleasant to look at.

You can change this in an instant by having a patio floor coating installed on it. Most patio floor coatings are decorative in nature and will dramatically improve the way that your patio looks.

You can even go as far as to make your patio almost any color that you want when you invest in a patio floor coating. This alone is going to make your patio more aesthetically pleasing and make you want to spend more time on it.

Keeps Your Patio Safe

If your patio doesn’t have a floor coating, it might not necessarily be safe to walk around on it when wet. A wet concrete surface can be on the slippery side, and it could put you at risk of being involved in a slip-and-fall accident.

You might also find that a patio without a patio floor coating on it will crack over time and increase your chances of tripping over any cracks that might develop in it. This is yet another area in which a patio floor coating can benefit you in a big way.

Garage Force can set you up with a polyurea floor coating for your patio that will repair cracking and other signs of wear and tear. It’ll provide your patio with all the protection it needs so that you don’t have to worry about it turning into a safety hazard at any point.

Allows Your Patio to Last Longer

The good news for those with concrete patios is that they’ll typically last for a long time. It’s not uncommon for these types of patios to last for at least 25 years, if not even longer than that.

That being said, you might not be able to get that much life out of a concrete patio if you don’t put a patio floor coating on it. This will be especially true for those who live in parts of the country where it gets to be both very hot and very cold throughout the year.

Concrete will shrink and expand based on the temperature outside. This can inevitably lead to it cracking and then starting to break down before you know it if you don’t do anything to prevent this.

A polyurea patio floor coating will cover a concrete patio and prove to be significantly stronger than an epoxy patio floor covering. It’ll help your concrete patio last so much longer than it would otherwise.

Makes Your Patio Easier to Maintain

Because an outdoor patio is located, well, outside, it’s going to be subjected to the elements at all times. It’s also going to be subjected to things like rotting leaves and tree branches, bird droppings, and so much more.

All of this can make it extremely difficult to maintain an outdoor patio. But you’ll be able to do it when you have a patio floor coating in place.

This coating will sit on the surface of a concrete patio and make it so much easier to maintain. You’ll be able to get it clean by sweeping it and hosing it off every so often as opposed to having to worry about power washing it and spot-treating it for stains like you would normally need to do.

Helps Your Patio Improve Your Home’s Value

Your outdoor patio should help to increase the value of your home, not bring it down. But if you only have an ordinary concrete patio without a coating on it, it could potentially drag your home’s value down.

You can bring your home’s value back up, sometimes in a very significant way, by having a patio floor coating installed. If you ever attempt to sell your home one day, buyers will be wowed by the coating that you’ve chosen for your patio and more likely to pay top dollar for your house because of it.

It’s one more reason why you should rely on Garage Force to set you up with a patio floor coating. You aren’t going to regret doing it one bit once you see how wonderful your patio looks when it’s all finished.

Call Garage Force to Get a Patio Floor Coating

Now that you know why you should have a patio floor coating installed, are you ready to take the plunge and invest in one? If so, Garage Force would love to assist you.

We have a variety of patio floor coatings that you can choose from. We can walk you through each of the options available to you and tell you more about the ones that might work best for your patio space.

Search for Garage Force locations near you to get started.