According to a recent report, there are a record number of American homes

According to a recent report, there are a record number of American homes being built with patios these days. Of the more than 1 million homes constructed each year, about 63% come with patios included.

If you just bought a new home with a patio or if you already live in a house with a patio, you should strongly consider putting a patio floor coating on it. Garage Force can set you up with the perfect polyurea floor coating for your patio space.

Prior to shopping around for patio coatings, though, you should try to get some sense of what these residential floor coatings are all about. It’ll make it so much easier for you to pick out a concrete floor coating that you’ll love.

Check out our complete patio floor coating guide below and put it to good use so that you’re able to make the most of your patio space from now on.

What Is a Patio Floor Coating?

Under normal circumstances, a patio with a concrete floor is going to look like little more than just a slab of concrete. It isn’t going to be decorative in nature at all.

But when you put a patio floor coating down, it’ll completely change the look and feel of a patio. This floor coating will be applied to the surface of a patio to give it a better appearance overall.

You’ll be able to choose anything from a very simple patio floor coating that will add a pop of color to it to a more advanced patio floor coating that will make it look like a work of art.

No matter which direction you decide to go in when picking out a patio floor coating, it’s going to work wonders for your patio space. You’ll be so glad that you decided to place a coating on your patio, both for aesthetic and practical purposes.

Why Do You Need a Patio Floor Coating?

Technically, you can get away with not installing a patio floor coating on top of your home’s patio. But you aren’t going to be able to make your patio look as aesthetically pleasing without one.

First and foremost, a patio floor coating is going to make your patio look beautiful from the ground up. Something like this Medici® decorative floor coating will alter the appearance of your patio in a major way. You’ll be able to choose to make your patio almost any color combination you want.

But a patio floor coating is going to do more than just improve the way that your patio looks. It’s also going to stop you and your fellow family members from slipping and falling on your patio.  Coatings are able to include anti-slip additives to help create a surface that is beautiful and safe.

Additionally, a patio floor coating can prevent your patio from getting stained permanently over time. You will be able to remove stains from your patio with ease when you have a coating put over it.

For each of these reasons, you should give some serious thought to having a patio floor coating installed. It’ll make your patio last for a longer time and let you use it to its full potential.

Which Type of Patio Floor Coating Should You Choose?

Over the years, many homeowners have opted to put epoxy floor coatings on their patios. Epoxy gained a reputation for being one of the most durable types of patio floor coatings around.

But this isn’t the case anymore. If you’re going to have a patio floor coating installed, you should make it a polyurea floor coating.

Why? Well, for starters, a polyurea floor coating is going to be up to 20 times stronger than the average epoxy floor coating. As a result, you won’t have to worry about it wearing down on you too quickly.

A polyurea floor coating is also going to provide you with flexibility that you won’t find in other types of floor coatings. This is going to be very important since concrete floors can shrink and expand due to the weather. You’ll need your floor coating to adjust to these conditions accordingly so that it doesn’t crack or sustain any other damage.

Who Should You Trust to Install a Patio Floor Coating?

If you’re going to have a patio floor coating installed, you might initially consider doing it yourself. How hard could it be to put a patio floor coating into place, right?

But unless you have a wealth of experience when it comes to installing patio floor coatings, you shouldn’t ever try to take on a job like this on your own. Instead, you should rely on a company like Garage Force to lend a hand to you.

Garage Force can walk you through some of the different patio floor coatings that will be available to you. They can also prepare your concrete floor for the coating that you choose.

Plus, Garage Force will stand behind the work that they do when installing a patio floor coating by setting you up with an extended warranty. This way, you won’t need to worry about making any repairs to your patio floor coating as long as you perform some basic maintenance on it.

How Long Does It Take to Install a Patio Floor Coating?

Creating a patio can be a big job. It isn’t uncommon for it to take a professional hardscaping company at least a few days, if not a few weeks, to finish a patio. You’ll need to be very patient as a company brings a patio to life for you.

Because of this, you might think that installing a patio floor coating would take a couple of days. But more often than not, a company like Garage Force will be able to apply a patio floor coating in a matter of just a day.

The total time that it’ll take to install a patio floor coating will, of course, depend on many factors. Everything from the size of your patio to the type of floor coating that you select can impact how long it’ll take to coat your patio.

But generally speaking, you shouldn’t have to live without your patio for too long at all when you’re having a coating put on it. It should be all done in no time so that you can start enjoying your patio again.

How Much Does a Patio Floor Coating Cost?

At this point, installing a patio floor coating should make all the sense in the world to you. But there might still be one last question swirling around in your head: How much does it cost?

It can be difficult to pinpoint precisely how much a patio floor coating is going to cost since there will be a handful of things that will affect the price you’ll pay. This will include:

  • The size of your patio
  • The patio floor coating system you pick out
  • The time of the year
  • The patio floor coating company you choose
  • The preparation associated with the installation of your patio floor coating
  • And more

Garage Force can take a trip out to your home and evaluate your patio so that you’re able to get a solid quote for a patio floor coating. It’ll help you decide if installing a coating on your patio’s concrete floor will fit into your budget.

Will a Patio Floor Coating Increase Your Home’s Value?

You might need to make a sizable investment in your home when you have a patio floor coating installed. But you’ll be happy to hear that it’ll provide you with an excellent return on investment.

So, how much of a return can you expect to see? It’s all going to depend on how your patio floor coating turns out. But on average, those who take the time to create a beautiful patio space outside their home can sometimes boost the value of their home by 8 to 10%.

There is obviously no guarantee that you’ll get this kind of ROI by installing a patio floor coating. But once you commit to reworking your patio space, you’ll want to do everything in your power to ensure it provides you with the type of ROI you’re looking for.

When Is the Best Time to Install a Patio Floor Coating?

Are you interested in having a patio floor coating installed? If you are, one thing to remember is that you might not necessarily be able to do it at any time of the year.

Companies like Garage Force that specialize in installing floor coatings will have some flexibility when they’re working on garage floors. The temperatures in garages tend to be slightly warmer than the temperatures outside, and they’re also protected against the elements. It’ll make it possible for floor coatings to be installed in garages at most times of the year.

But when you’re installing a patio floor coating, you will need to steer clear of doing it on days when it’s too cold, too rainy, or too windy. These kinds of conditions won’t be ideal for patio floor coating installation.

It’s typically a good idea to have a patio floor coating installed in either the spring, summer, or fall when the temperatures are on the milder side. You should also pick a day when the chance of rain is 0% so that you don’t have to be concerned about it ruining your patio floor coating.

A company like Garage Force will be able to help you choose the perfect day to install a patio floor coating. You can take a step back and let them get to work on the day that they pick.

How Can You Start the Patio Floor Coating Installation Process?

If you’re ready to have a patio floor coating installed, you might be excited to get things moving in the right direction. Fortunately, it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to kickstart the installation process.

Here are the steps you’ll need to take to inch your way closer to having a patio floor coating installed:

  • Search for the best patio floor coating company in your area (Garage Force has lots of locations throughout the country!)
  • Talk to this company about which patio floor coverings might be the right ones for your particular patio
  • Invite a company to look at your patio and take the proper measurements for it
  • Decide which day a company is going to come back out to your home to install your new patio floor coating
  • Step back and let a company get to work on your patio floor coating

As long as everything goes according to plan, you should only have to wait a day or two to see what the finished product looks like. You’re going to be blown away by how much better your patio looks and feels with a coating on it.

You’ll also find that your patio will work so much better for you and your family as you move forward. It’ll be safer to use, easier to clean, and one of the biggest bright spots on your entire property.

Contact Garage Force to Talk About Your Patio Floor Coating

Do you want to make your home’s patio stand out a lot more than it does now? Do you also want to ensure that it’s every bit as safe as it can be?

If you just answered “yes” to these two questions, you’re going to benefit from investing in a patio floor coating. Garage Force is going to be able to take your patio to the next level for you and turn it into a place where you’ll want to be all the time.

Learn more about the floor coating installation process that we use so that you understand how it works.