Does it seem like your garage floor space has shrunk over the years? Do you get stressed whenever you enter this room in your house? Or perhaps you’ve picked up a new hobby, like woodworking, but don’t have space in your home to enjoy it. 

Those are all signs that it’s time to consider a garage renovation. 

Renovating your garage lets you retrieve the floor area you’ve lost and turn it into a more relaxing and efficient space. You can then use some of that free space for a workshop, storage, or any other new hobbies.

But how much does garage renovation cost? Is it an expense worth paying for?

We’ve answered all those questions in this guide, so read on. 

How Much Does A Garage Renovation Cost?

You can renovate your garage for as little as $100 or as much as $10,000, depending on what you’re renovating.  Renovation means restoring something old or breathing new life into your garage. It differs from a remodel, which often involves altering a room’s physical structure and functions.

An example of a garage renovation that would only cost you about $100 is a fresh coat of paint on your existing garage door. Or for $5,000, you can replace your old, rusted garage door with a modern, automatic, and insulated model. At this price, it’ll likely have all the bells and whistles, including remote functions that let you control it wherever you are.

On the other hand, a remodel may include extending your garage space or turning it into a bedroom or even a miniature house. As you can imagine, remodels often cost much more than a typical renovation. 

What Factors Influence the Cost?

There are three primary factors that will impact the overall cost of your project: your desired results, whether you’re DIY-ing or hiring pros, and your location.

But before thinking about those factors, consider de-cluttering and organizing your garage first. With less mess, you’ll likely find it easier to imagine what your garage will look like post-renovation. Since it also means fewer distractions, your mind can concentrate better on creating the best renovation plans.

Plus, a cleaner, more organized garage will give you a better sense of how much space you can work with. This can then help you determine if your desired results are realistic in the first place.

You can begin planning and crunching numbers once you regain control of your garage. 

Your Desired Results

What exactly do you wish to achieve from your residential garage improvement project? Do you just want to give the interior a quick facelift? If so, a new wall paint job, which you can DIY and only spend about a hundred bucks on, may be enough to do the trick.

Another one of the best garage makeover ideas under $100 is replacing old incandescent bulbs with LED lights. They’re a visually enhancing upgrade that can put your new paint job in the spotlight and illuminate your garage better. They’re also more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs and can last up to 25 times longer.

If you want those and an even more organized space, look at your potential garage storage areas. These include walls and overhead spaces where you can easily attach slatwall panels, racks, or shelving. These are ideal options if you don’t have enough room for multiple types of garage cabinets, and the cheapest options may be available for under $500.

What if you want to finish, protect, or beautify your garage floor? Then, consider investing in polyurea floor coating. Your floor’s total size will affect its cost, but prepare to budget between $5 and $7 per square foot. 

If your primary goal is to make your garage more secure, energy-efficient, and comfortable, upgrade your garage door and insulation. It’s among the most expensive renovation projects, but it’s well worth the cost (we’ll explain this in more detail below). 

DIY vs. Hiring Professionals

Giving your garage walls a new paint job and installing racks or shelving are easy to DIY. Your project cost will be much lower because you’ll put in the effort and not pay someone else’s labor. 

However, other renovation projects, such as applying a polyurea floor coating, are best left to the pros. These coatings cost more than epoxy but are stronger and can last longer if installed correctly. Moreover, the installation process is shorter than epoxy’s (usually just one day!) but requires specialized equipment.

Likewise, you should leave a garage door replacement job to the pros. A good enough reason is that these can weigh between 100 and 400 pounds. You don’t want that falling on you, so it’s best not to attempt replacing it yourself. Plus they require installation tools and equipment most of us don’t have just lying around.

Your Location

Your location can affect your garage renovation costs since it dictates labor rates. Being somewhere with a higher living cost means you can expect to pay more for labor. Examples include Hawaii, California, and Oregon, the top three most expensive U.S. states to live in.

Another location-related driver of renovation costs is the need for permits. Many municipalities require these documents for projects that can alter a home’s footprint. An example is installing a new garage door with an automatic opener.

Permit prices vary from city to city and typically depend on the area’s living cost. Also, the more significantly the project impacts your home’s footprint, the more they’ll likely cost. It’s also common for renovations to require multiple permits (e.g., electrical and plumbing permits).

Where you live also affects material prices. For instance, these are often more expensive in Hawaii, as the state has to import many building materials. 

Is It a Worthy Expense? 

If it will make you happy and less stressed, then definitely! 

Suppose you wanted to renovate because the sad state of your garage walls and floors makes you just as blue. If so, completing the project could make you feel happy and proud of this part of your home. 

Another is if you no longer want to deal with a cluttered garage because looking at the mess gives you headaches. If you organize your stuff on new shelves and racks, you may feel less stressed and happier while you spend time in this room. 

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Here are other good reasons that can make the cost of a garage renovation worth it. 

Enhance Security

While not as common as an entry point as unlocked front doors and windows, about one in ten burglars enter homes through the garage.

Fortunately, modern garage doors and openers boast better security features, including smart locks and intrusion detection. They can do the latter with mobile apps that notify you whenever your door opens and closes, warning you of a potential breach. They can also remind you that you may have left the door open. 

Boost Safety

Cluttered garage floors are trip hazards. You can avoid these with a renovation that adds storage areas to organize your stuff.

Moisture penetration in garage floors can also be a safety risk as it can promote mold growth. This can happen to unfinished floors and epoxy coatings that crack due to ground movement. Luckily, polyurea coats are less likely to get damaged as they’re more flexible and durable than epoxy.

Let’s not forget how old or faulty garage doors could cause severe injury and safety hazards. When they malfunction, they can collapse, trap, or crush anyone or anything they fall on. At the very least, these incidents can result in severe property damage.

So, if your garage door has seen better years, consider replacing it. 

Reduce HVAC-Related Bills

Insulating garage doors and walls can help curb heat gains and losses. In the winter, they help keep heated air from escaping to the outdoors. They also act as a barrier against the cold winter air.

In the summer, insulated garage doors and walls can keep the cold air from your AC inside.

Those can then contribute to lower heating and cooling bills and improve indoor comfort. 

Also, the less work your HVAC system must do, the less strain, wear, and tear it experiences. This can reduce its likelihood of experiencing premature and costly breakdowns while also helping prolong its life. 


Whenever you take a step to reduce your energy bills, you also cut your energy consumption. The less energy you use, the smaller your home’s carbon footprint.

So, taking on a garage renovation project that can lead to lower energy use can also benefit the environment.

Increase Home Value

A project that improves your garage’s appearance and functionality can boost your home’s value. You can then use these as selling points if you decide to put your home up for sale.

FYI, a home with a garage is something 72% of prospective home buyers prefer. 

Time to Plan Your Garage Renovation

Now you know the average garage renovation cost can range from as low as $100 to as high as $10,000. You also learned the factors influencing this vast price gap, including project scope, location, and whether you opt for DIY or hire a pro.

Most importantly, you’ve learned that renovating your garage is a worthy investment.

So, are you ready to upgrade your dull or damaged garage floor? Then, our concrete coating team at Garage Force is happy to help!

Contact us today to learn more about our polyurea coatings and their benefits.