Did you know that COVID created a trend in transforming garages into a place for both men and women to work on their hobbies?

We all know that our garages can be the ultimate sanctuary, a place where we tinker with tools, store our treasures, and sometimes even park our prized vehicles.

So, it’s essential to keep our polyurea flooring looking spick and span. From prepping the garage to preventing stains and spills, we’ve got your back with some easy and practical tips.

Get ready to rock that garage like a boss!

The Benefits of Polyurea Flooring 

Polyurea flooring and coating offer a range of impressive benefits that make them a popular choice for various applications. Before we go into maintenance, we will look at some key benefits!


One of the standout benefits of polyurea flooring and coating is its exceptional durability. They are highly resistant to:

  • Abrasion
  • Impact
  • Chemicals
  • UV rays

This durability ensures that the floor and coating can withstand heavy foot traffic, dropped tools, and other wear and tear without easily showing signs of damage.

Fast Curing Time

Polyurea coatings have a quick curing time, which means they can be applied and ready to use in a short period.

This fast curing allows for reduced downtime during installation or maintenance, making it a convenient option for busy environments.

Seamless and Smooth Finish

Polyurea coatings provide a seamless and smooth finish when applied correctly. This feature not only enhances the overall aesthetics of the floor but also cracks or pits where dirt, bacteria, or other contaminants can accumulate.

The smooth surface is easy to clean and maintain.

Chemical Resistance

Polyurea coatings offer excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals, including oils, fuels, solvents, and various corrosive substances. This resistance makes them suitable for use in:

  • Industrial settings
  • Garages
  • Manufacturing facilities

Flexibility and Crack Resistance

Polyurea has impressive flexibility, allowing it to expand and contract with temperature changes without cracking or peeling.

This flexibility ensures that the coating can withstand the natural movements and vibrations of the substrate, reducing the risk of damage over time.


Polyurea flooring and coating can be customized to suit different environments and requirements. They come in various:

  • Colors
  • Textures
  • Finishes

Allowing you to create a floor that matches your style or complements your space’s aesthetics. They can be applied to different substrates, including:

  • Concrete
  • Metal
  • Wood

Polyurea Maintenance Preparation

Before you dive into maintaining your polyurea flooring in the garage, it’s important to get prepped and ready.

Gather all the necessary tools and supplies to make the job easier. You’ll want to have:

  • A broom or a dust mop to sweep away loose debris
  • A pressure washer or a hose for a thorough rinse
  • A soft-bristle brush to scrub away any dirt or grime
  • A mild detergent to help with the cleaning process

Make sure you have some absorbent materials handy in case of oil or chemical spills. Once you have your arsenal of cleaning tools, it’s time to clear the garage space.

Move any vehicles, equipment, or stored items out of the way to create a clean and open workspace. You’ll appreciate the extra room to maneuver and tackle those maintenance tasks effectively.

Cleaning Routine

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of cleaning your polyurea flooring in the garage. Grab your broom and give that floor a good sweep. Get rid of all the loose debris, like dirt. A quick sweep will make the next steps a breeze.

Now, it’s time to bring out the big guns: the pressure washer or hose. Give that floor a thorough rinse to get rid of any remaining dirt or grime. The stream of water will help dislodge stubborn particles and leave your polyurea floor looking fresh and clean. No need for high pressure here!

Once you’ve rinsed away the dirt, it’s time to bring in some mild detergent to tackle any lingering stains or spots.

  1. Grab a soft-bristle brush
  2. Dip it into a bucket of soapy water
  3. Start scrubbing away

Put a little elbow grease into it if needed, but don’t go too crazy, we don’t want to damage the floor. Scrubbing with a gentle touch should do the trick.

After you’ve scrubbed away the dirt and stains, it’s time for a good rinse. Grab your hose or pressure washer again and thoroughly rinse the floor to get rid of any soap residue. Nobody wants a sticky or slippery garage floor, so make sure you rinse every corner and crevice.

Now, here’s the part where patience is key. After you’ve rinsed off the soap, give your polyurea floor some time to dry completely. Don’t rush this step or you might end up with water spots or streaks.

Open up those garage doors, turn on some good tunes, and let nature do its thing. Once it’s bone dry, you’ll be ready to enjoy a spotless and shiny garage floor.

Stain and Spill Prevention for Floor Coatings for Garages

Let’s talk about how to keep your polyurea flooring in the garage looking pristine by preventing stains and spills. The first rule of thumb is to clean up any spills or stains as soon as they happen. Don’t let them linger and seep into the floor. 

Now, let’s address oil, grease, or chemical spills that can wreak havoc on your garage floor. To combat them, keep some absorbent materials like paper or cotton towels at hand.  For big spills kitty litter or sawdust can come in handy. As soon as you notice a spill, apply those absorbent materials over it to soak up the liquids.

You should also try preventing any unnecessary scratches or damage to your beautiful polyurea floor. It’s best to avoid dragging sharp or heavy objects across it. 

Regular Maintenance for Polyurea Garage Floors

Take a moment every now and then to inspect the floor for any signs of damage or wear. Look out for:

  • Cracks
  • Chips
  • Scratches

Even thou polyurea is highly resistant to these, accidents can happen and it’s important to deal with these issues right away. 

If you spot any issues, don’t let them linger. Make sure you repair them right away. Don’t let them worsen or become a tripping hazard. Call your local floor coating experts to repair any damage as soon as possible.

Regular maintenance isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s a journey. Take care of your floor and it will take care of you for years and years!

Protective Measures for Garage Floor Coating

When it comes to heavy equipment or vehicles, be a hero and save your floor by using floor mats or pads. Place those mats or pads under the wheels or legs of your equipment or vehicles.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning agents on your polyurea floor. Stick to mild detergents and gentle cleaning solutions. Harsh chemicals can cause discoloration or even damage the protective coating of your floor.

To keep your polyurea floor scratch-free, place furniture glides or pads under those heavy objects. Those glides or pads will allow the furniture to slide smoothly, without leaving unsightly scratches or marks. 

When it’s time to move or rearrange items in your garage, use caution. Avoid dragging or sliding items, especially sharp or heavy ones. Lift them gently and place them where you want them to be. 

Long-Term Garage Floor Maintenance

Although polyurea coating protects your floor from UV rays, it is still a good idea to block out the sun when possible to avoid unnecessarily heating up the garage. 

In the summer, make sure your garage is well-ventilated, and consider using fans or opening windows to keep the temperature down. In the winter, make sure your garage is properly insulated to prevent freezing temperatures. 

Lastly, don’t forget to regularly check and maintain your garage’s drainage system. Ensure that the drains are clear and free from any debris or blockages. This will prevent water from pooling on the floor and causing potential damage. 

Do You Have Polyurea Flooring? Use These Maintenance Tips

By following these simple tips and incorporating them into your routine, you’ll ensure that your garage floor remains a shining star. Remember, a well-maintained garage floor not only looks great but also enhances the overall appeal and functionality of your space.

Are you looking for more tips on polyurea flooring? Browse our blog for more information or book an appointment today!