Did you know that depending on the concrete floor coatings you use that your floor could last multiple decades…upwards of 30 years? This doesn’t mean that your floors will remain in pristine condition throughout this time frame though.

A lot of the time you can expect to replace epoxy floor coatings every decade or half that time to keep its longevity intact. While protective coating can last decades, there are things that you can do to keep them looking great for longer periods of time.

Keep reading to find out just how to make long-term sustainability for your flooring a reality.

The Benefits of Concrete Floor Coatings

Polyurea floors have a long list of benefits from being extremely durable, and resistant to fading and cracking, and being easy to install. These floors can cure to a level of hardness and strength that other alternatives can’t compare to. However, despite the long list of advantages, these types of flooring are not indestructible.

They can start to wear and tear over time just like anything else. While they are chip-proof, maintaining them can become a concern in high-traffic areas. 

Be Preventative at the Start of the Project

While there are multiple benefits to this option, there are also things that you need to pay attention to. For example, when the moisture content is at too high of a level within the concrete, the coating that is being used often won’t bond how it should. This is one of the reasons why you need to work with a specialized team that knows how to install this protective material.

The initial installation process is the most important time to be preventative. One example is the fact that air bubbles could appear in your flooring if the solution isn’t mixed the right way.

This could be aesthetically displeasing and it could also cause issues in the longevity of the product. Working with a professional company will keep this from being a concern. However, you should know that polyurea coating can evaporate in some cases as well.

This usually happens during the curing process and what this affects is how thick the solution will be on top of the concrete. This plays a major part in the life span of your flooring and is something you have to pay attention to during the installation process.

How to Make Polyurea Flooring Last

Preventative methods are going to help sustain polyurea floors because you will be staying ahead of possible fading and issues with integrity. One of the most underrated tactics that you can use is making good use of rugs and furniture to help lower traffic on the floors.

This also helps to trap dirt and additional moisture instead of having it spread which can make cleaning a lot easier as well. You should also make use of a few other tips to get the most out of your investment.

The Tools You Use Make a Difference

Concrete floor coatings require certain tools to help sustain their shine and use. For example, considering the type of broom that you use will make a huge difference.

You will want to use brooms with softer bristles to avoid scratching the surface of your floors. Keep in mind that polyurea is different from polyurethane.

It is a subset of polyurethane and it is still very durable. This material is great for ceiling garage floors and is known for being scratch resistant.

However, while these fours are scratch resistant, they can start to wear over time. They don’t last forever although they can last for decades and they could last even longer if they are taken care of properly.

When mopping your floors, you want to opt for using microfiber cloths or mops. This will help avoid consistent scratching and help keep the floors in their original state.

Most of the time, you will only need to clean these floors once every three months. However, you may find yourself cleaning More than this depending on how much use your floors will be getting.

Maintenance Is Key

When it comes to maintaining your coated garage floors, some homeowners and business owners have preferences. Oftentimes the preference is using ammonia for cleaning the floors.

However, you should know that due to the safety concerns of using ammonia, especially in enclosed spaces there are alternatives that you can use in its place. If you do decide to use ammonia, ensure that the product is properly diluted for safe use.

You should be using half a cup of the product with at least one gallon of warm water. This is considered to be one of the best cleaning solutions for epoxy-based flooring. However, for polyurea flooring, you can use other options like simple green or even Windex.

Even with these products, you will want to properly dilute them. For example, if you decide to use simple green you should be diluting this with eight times the amount of water for one part of the cleaning product. Some of the things that are acceptable to use are mild detergent, soft bristle brooms, microfiber cleaning cloth, and soft sponges.

Do your best not to use cleaning chemicals or materials that aren’t abrasive and it is acceptable to use a pressure washer however, you might want to use a hose with a higher setting instead. If you do this, try not to hold consistent pressure in one spot for too long.

Consider Using Professional Maintenance

Professional maintenance takes the worry off of your plate when it comes to using the right products and tools to clean your floors. If you aren’t sure what to use, keep in mind that professional cleaning companies already have the appropriate equipment to help sustain your floors.

Consistent maintenance and cleaning are one of the top things that can keep your concrete floors looking new. Also, professional maintenance is a good preventative tactic.

It can help to enhance efficiency with keeping up with your floors and it’s a way to have them regularly inspected as well. Doing this can give you an idea of how well your floors are holding up, if any additional work needs to be done, or if you need to have the floors replaced anytime soon. It’s the easiest way to avoid harsh chemicals and ultimately will allow you to repair any damages promptly before they become worse.

Know What Not to Use

You should also know what to avoid when trying to clean your polyurea-coated floors. Stay away from using bleach as this can be a very harsh solution to use. Bleach is considered to be too harsh for concrete floors with coating because it can start to strip away the finish of the floors.

While these flooring protectants often won’t have the concern of changing colors, bleach can cause this. Bleach will eventually cause discoloration and it can also cause fading of polyurea floors.

You should also be avoiding the use of vinegar and baking soda when cleaning your concrete flooring. Products like vinegar and baking soda actually dull the polyurea that is used for the coating. These products also cause dullness and could negatively alter the longevity of the protectant.

In addition, you want to stay away from using soap as well as multipurpose cleaners and citrus-based products. All of these options can cause significant issues with how long your flooring lasts.

Tricks to Follow to Sustain Concrete Floor Coating

You know what products and tools not to use but you should also know a few tips to stay ahead in sustaining these types of floors. Get into the habit of sweeping your floors every day and mopping on a weekly basis (if needed).

When something spills, clean it immediately. Even though you are likely coating your garage floor or workspace flooring and you know that spills will happen, they should never be left to sit.

If your polyurea flooring experiences any scratches or general damage, fix it immediately as well. You should also;

  • Not try to avoid resealing when it’s needed
  • Remove any rubber burns or marks as soon as they occur
  • Favor dry cleaning as your primary cleaning method

Each of these tips will help to increase the longevity of your flooring and maintain its shine.

Favoring Quality and Skill to Protect Your Floors

Concrete floor coatings are a popular and highly preferred way to protect your garage floors and give them an aesthetically pleasing look. While these floors can last for decades and withstand a lot of force over time, they can start to wear at a certain point.

One of the best ways to keep this from happening is to get a high-quality concrete coating solution and to use a highly skilled and experienced installer for the job. To get started, connect with the Garage Force team today.