Did you know that the most expensive type of flooring ever created thus far is the Pietra Firma Luxtouch Tiles? These tiles are $1,000,000 per square meter and are made of onyx, shells, and diamonds. Of course, you won’t be spending so much on your own floors, especially on ordinary backyard flooring, but that doesn’t mean that your flooring has to look sub-par.

There are still plenty of backyard floor ideas you can try that will look great and won’t break the bank. But what kind of low-cost backyard flooring options are there and how can you know which option will look best for your backyard? Keep reading and learn more about your backyard floor options below. 

Concrete Slab

When it comes to affordable backyard flooring ideas, concrete floor options are some of the most affordable. This is because the labor required to install this kind of floor doesn’t take much effort. The professionals only have to pour the concrete into place, smooth it out, and wait for it to dry, and the job will be finished.

The cost of the concrete itself also isn’t that expensive. It is significantly more affordable than tiles, wooden decks, or any other type of material that you could use for flooring outside. This is because concrete is a very common material that is easily made. 

There is no need to import it or do anything special with it other than pour it into its designated area. This is not to mention that out of all the backyard patio floor ideas that you could choose from, a concrete floor is one of the sturdiest. While ceramic tiles and some other floor choices have a tendency to chip, scratch, and become discolored, you won’t have to worry about any of that if you choose concrete flooring. 

Concrete floors are also very easy to clean. If a layer of dirt ever happens to encrust your concrete floor, all you have to do is use a powerwasher. Within the hour, your floor will be bright and clean again. 

There are some downsides to concrete floors, however. While they are very strong, they are not resistant to cracks. For example, if the ground underneath the concrete decides to shift, the concrete may crack as a result. Another downside is that concrete floors are not very attractive. 

They are actually one of the blandest floor options you can choose from. But what other affordable patio floor options are there to choose from?

Polyurea Patio Flooring

When you think of backyard flooring options, the last thing you probably think of is polyurea. While polyurea may not be as well-known as other, more common types of flooring, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a good choice. In fact, polyurea floor coatings are some of the most durable types of flooring out there and you don’t have to break the bank to get them. 

Polyurea actually isn’t flooring in itself but rather a floor coating. What does this mean exactly, you might ask? Usually, a professional will need to pour polyurea over a base layer of concrete. When the polyurea settles, it will create a protective layer over the concrete that will look and feel much different than the concrete itself. 

More than that, polyurea is even more durable than concrete while still being quite affordable. Specifically, polyurea is made of a chemical called polyurethane. People often use this coating to coat their garage floors, but this coating’s potential goes far beyond the garage. 

When you use it for your patio, you won’t have to worry about this coating breaking down under the power of the elements. Polyurea is completely resistant to scratches. So, whether you have a dog pawing at the floor or drag a chair across your patio, your polyurea flooring will still look as good as new. 

This is not to mention that polyurea is resistant to UV radiation. UV radiation has the ability to break down most materials over time because this radiation can actually break molecular bonds. However, polyurea can withstand this radiation and its color won’t change over time as a result.

Polyurea is also resistant to water. Regular concrete can pick up moisture and can end up cracking, but polyurea can protect against this.  


Bricks are a very stylish option for your patio. Bricks come in a large variety of colors from classic red to tan and beyond. They also come in many different shapes and patterns so that your patio flooring will look particularly attractive. 

However, you will need to find professionals who are particularly skilled at installing bricks, otherwise, the result won’t look very good. This can be difficult because not all floor installers are skilled at installing bricks. There are also a few downsides to brick flooring that you will need to consider. 

For example, bricks, like unsealed concrete, are quite porous. So, if they are exposed to enough moisture over time, they will start to break down. In particular, they may start to grow mildew and mold, both of which can be hard to get rid of. 

As long as your flooring professionals seal the bricks after installation, you shouldn’t have to worry about that problem. As long as the bricks are sealed, they should be able to last outside for many years.

Everything You Need to Know About Backyard Flooring Ideas

When it comes to backyard flooring ideas, there are many options to choose from. Brick flooring is very stylish but can be difficult to keep up with. Concrete is cheap and sturdy but not very attractive. Polyurea, on the other hand, is affordable, stylish, and very strong. 

To learn more about polyurea coatings, don’t hesitate to contact us here.